Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week 5-6

Week 5 - Pupae stage still existed.  Pupae were stored in a cage and exposed to light and dark at regular daily interval.

Week 6 - We have video of both male and female sphinx moths.  In general sphinx moths are about 2 - 8 inches in length.  Below are pictures and  a brief video describing the moths in a little more detail.  Our actual moth has not emerged to date.  We do not expect our original moth to emerge due to its mutation.

Below are more videos and pictures of our tobacco hornworm project/lab.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tobacco Hornworm Week 4

Week 4

04/07/2011 --Removed hornworm from the container, currently in the pupa stage; our purpose is to document it's progression.  However, there appears to be mutation in the area of the eye and tongue case.  Upon a gentle touch with the finger the abdomen did move.  With the advisement of our professor we replaced the hornworm back into the container for a later photo and to document its survival.  We were also provided with another pupa whose form was textbook. 

Description: Aside from the mutation the pupa was brown, hard and spindle shaped.  Due to mutation there was no "handle". 

Residence: In nature pupae would be buried beneath the soil.  In the lab the pupa was kept in a dark incubator at a constant temperature of 72 degrees F, within newspaper wrapped container.